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Im Mai 1947 wurde das seit 1917 vorhandene "RADIO Journal" komplett zu "AUDIO Engineering" umgebaut.

Die Themen aus den Anfangsjahren des Radios hatten sich weitgehend überlebt und der Herausgeber hat 1947 (zwangsläufig) einen harten Schnitt gemacht. Das Hauptthema war von jetzt an als Mittelpunkt aller Themen der technische Aspekt der neuen Entwicklungen im UKW-Rundfunk und später auch im Fernsehen. Auch das Magnetbandgerät aus Deutschland - das Magnetophon - spielte eine immer größere Rolle und leitete einen welt- weiten Paradigmenwechsel in der Audio-Produktion ein.


"Bibliography of Magnetic Recording" (Stand 10/1947)

von N. M. HAYNES (Research Director, Magnephone Division, Amplifier Corp. of America)
A chronological list of American and foreign articles on the subject.

Anmerkung und Vorwort zu der nachfolgenden Aufstellung

überarbeitet im April 2019 - In der oft publizierten Geschichte des deutschen AEG-Magnetophons werden viele Legenden immer wieder weiter-"geleitet" und von bestimten Medien bereitwillig sogar auch noch nach 2010 publiziert.

Oft wird von den geheimnisvollen deutschen Tonbandgeräten philosophiert und manch ein Schmarren "verzählt". Diese Liste ist aus dem Herbst 1947 und darin sind die bis dahin bekannten Pubikationen aufgezählt.

Eine der wichtigsten Publikationen, ein sogenannter Intelligence Report vom November 1945 !!, also nicht 1947 oder noch später, beschreibt ganz erstaunlich genau, was es mit den Magnetophonen auf sich hatte und was die Amerikaner bis dahin bereits alles wußten. Und dieser Report war für alle Alliierten weltweit kostenfrei verfügbar.


Liste der Dokumente nach Datum :


  1. 1896 du Bois, H.: "The Magnetic Circuit in Theory and Practise", Longmans, Green and Co., London (1896) p. 41.
  2. 1898 Poulsen, V.: "Wire Recording Machine", U. S. Patent No. 661,619.
  3. 1900 Poulsen, V.: "Wire Spool Machine", U.S. Patent No. 789,336.
  4. 1900 Poulsen, V'.: "The Telegraphone" Ann. der Phys., vol. 3, (1900) p.754.
  5. 1900 Poulsen, V.: "The Telegraphone", Electrician, vol. 6, (Nov. 1900), p.208.
  6. 1901 Rellstab, L,.: "The Telegraphone" E.T.Z., vol. 22, (Jan. 1901), p. 57.
  7. 1901 West, J.H.: "The Telegraphone," E.T.Z., vol. 22, (Feb. 1901), p. 181.
  8. 1906 Pedersen, P.O.: "Magnetizable Body for the Magnetic Record of Speech, etc.," U.S. Patent No. 836,339, (Granted Nov. 30, 1906).
  9. 1907 Poulsen, V.: "Wire and Tape Recording with Per|MMidicular Magnetization," U.S. Patent No. 873,083.
  10. 1907 Poulsen, V.: "Longitudinal Magnetization Recording," U.S. Patent No. 873,078.
  11. 1911 Karapetoff, V.: "The Magnetic Circuit," McGraw-Hill Book Co., N.Y., (1911).
  12. 1913 Thompson, S.P.: "The Magnetism of Permanent Magnets," Journ. I.E.E. (London), vol. 50, (1913), p. 92.
  13. 1927 Spooner, Thomas: "Properties and Testing of Magnetic Materials," McGraw-Hill Book Co., N.Y. (1927), p. 84.
  14. 1927 O'Neill, J.A.: "Record for Reproducing Sound Tones and Action," U.S. Patent No. 1,053,407, (Granted Dec. 20, 1927).
  15. 1930 Stille, K.: "Electromagnctic Sound Recording," E.T.Z., vol. 51, (Mar. 1930), p. 419.
  16. 1931 Begun, S.J.: "Telephone Recording Machines for the Reception of Rapid Telegraphy," Telegraphen-Praxis, No. 5, (1931).
  17. 1932 Begun, S.J.: "Dictating Machine in Industry," E.T.Z., vol. 53, (Mar. 1932), p. 204.
  18. 1932 Hormann, K.: "On the Theory of Magnetic Sound-Recording," E.X.Z., vol. 9, (Nov. 1932), p. 388.
  19. 1932 Meyer, E. and Schüller, E.: "Magnetic Sound Recording on Steel Ribbons," Zeit für Techn. Phys., 13.12, (Dec. 1932), p. 593.
  20. 1933 Hickman, C.N.: "Delayed Speech," Bell Labs. Record, vol. II, (June 1933), p. 308.
  21. 1933 Begun, S.J.: "Contribution to the Theory of Electromagnctic Sound Recording on Steel Tape," Dissertation, Sonderdruck Studentenhaus Charlottenburg. (1933).
  22. 1934 "Magnetic Recording and Reproducing," (Description of Marconi-Stille Apparatus), Wireless World, vol.34, (Jan. 1934), p. 8.
  23. 1934 Rust, N.M.: "Marconi-Stille Recording and Reproducing Equipment," Marconi Rev., no. 46, (Jan.-Fob. 1934), p. 1.
  24. 1934 Frederick, H.A.: "Recording and Reproducing Sound," Rev. Sci. Inst., vol. 5, (May 1934), p. 177.
  25. 1934 Braunmuhl, H.J. von: "Magnetic Sound Recording in Broadcasting Service," Funktech Monatshefte, no. 13, (Dec. 1934), p. 483.
  26. 1935 Mallina, R. F.: "A Mirror for the Voice," Bell Labs. Rec, vol. 13, (Mar. 1935), p. 200.
  27. 1935 Volk, T.: "A.E.G. Magnetophone," AEG Mitteilungen, no. 9, (Sept. 1935), p. 299
  28. 1935 Volk, T.: "Magnetophone - A New Sound Recording Apparatus," Filmtechnik, vol. 11, (Oct. 1935), p. 229.
  29. 1935 Hansen, W.H. "The Magnetophone," E.T.Z., vol. 56, (Nov. 1935), p. 1232.
  30. 1935 Schüller, E.: "Magnetic Sound Recording," E.T.Z., vol. 56, (Nov. 1935), p. 1219.
  31. 1935 Hamilton, H.K.: "The Blattnerphone - Its Operation and Use," Elect. Digest. (Dec. 1935), p. 347.
  32. 1936 Begun, S.J.: "The New Lorenz Steel Tone Tape Machine," Lorenz Berichte, (Jan. 19361, p. 3.
  33. 1936 Schrage, W.K.: "Sound Recording on Magnetic Materials," Radio Craft. 7, 9. (March 1930), p. 537.
  34. 1936 Begun, S.J.: "The New Lorenz Steel Tone Tape Machine," Elec. Comm., vol. 15, (July 1936), p. 62.
  35. 1937 Hickman, C. N.: "Sound Recording on Magnetic Tape," Bell Sys. Tech. Journal., vol. 16, (April 1937), p. 165.
  36. 1937 Begun, S.J.: "Recent Developments in Magnetic Sound Recording," Jour. Soc. Mot. Pic. Eng., vol. 28, (May 1937), p. 404.
  37. 1937 Begun, S.J.: "Magnetic Recording-Reproducing Machine for Objective Speech Study," Jour. Soc. Mot. Pic. Eng., vol. 28, (Aug. 1937) p. 216.
  38. 1937 Lubeck, H. von: "Magnetic Recording with Films and Ring Heads," Akust. Zeitschr., vol. 2, (Nov. 1937), p. 273.
  39. 1938 Malloy, T.J.: "A Magnetic Recorder," Electronics 11, (Jan. 1938), p. 30.
  40. 1938 Barrett, A.K. and Tweed, C.J.F.: "Some Aspects of Magnetic Recording and Its Application to Broadcasting," J.I.E.E., (London), Proc. Wireless Sec. vol., (March 1938), p. 265.
  41. 1938 Nagai, Ivenzo, Sasaki, Siro, and Endo Junosuki.: "Experimental Consideration upon the A.C. Erasing on the Magnetic Recording and Proposition of the New Recording Method," Jour. Inst. Elect. Commun. Eng. (Japan) vol. 180, (March 1938).
  42. 1938 Begun, S.J. and Wolf, S.K.: "On Synthetic Reverberation," Communications, vol. 18, (Aug. 1938). p. 8.
  43. 1938 Begun, S.J.: "Magnetic Recording," Electronics, vol. 11, (Sept. 1938), p. 30.
  44. 1939 Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corp.: "Standard Definitions of Terms with Units and Symbols Relating to Magnetic Testing", Technical Bulletin No. I, (1939), p. 95. Carnegie-Ill. Steel Corp., Chicago, III.
  45. 1941 Begun, S.J.: "Magnetic Recording and Some of Its Applications in the Broadcast Field," Proc. I.R.E., 29, 8. (Aug. 1941), p. 123.
  46. 1943 Howe, G.W.O.: "Coercive Force", Wireless Eng., vol. 20, (Oct. 1943). p. 169.
  47. 1943 Camras, Marvin: "A New Magnetit Wire Recorder", Radio News. Radionics Section 1, 30, (Nov. 1943), p. 3.
  48. 1943 Lee, H.B.: "Stereophone Sound Recording System," Technical Report No. PB 33S, Dept. of Commerce. Wash. 25, D. C.
  49. 1943 Henderson, Robert G.:"Translation of Operating Instructions Tonschreiber Model B," Technical Report No. PB I02S, Dept. of Commerce. Wash. 25, D.C.
  50. 1943 U.S.Army: "Report of Magnetophone, Field Model," Technical Report No. PB 1347, Dept. of Commerce, Wash. 25, D. C.
  51. 1943 Lloyd, C.G.: "Miscellaneous German Radio and Communication Targets," Technical Report No. PB 25653, Dept. of Commerce, Wash. 25, D. C.
  52. 1943 Thiessen, G.J.: "The Magnetophone," Technical Report No. PB 23646, Dept. of Commerce, Wash. 25, D. C.
  53. 1944 Progsley, D.W.: "Engineering Details of a Magnetic Wire Recorder," Elictronic Indus. 3,1. (Jan. 1944), p. ll6.
  54. 1944 Selby, M. C: "Investigation of Magnetic Tape Recorders," Electronics, (May 1944), p. 133.
  55. 1944 Camras, Marvin: "Method and Means of Magnetic Recording," U.S. Patent No. 2,351,004, (Granted June 13, 1944).
  56. 1944 Lorenz, C. AG, Berlin: "Method of Producing Sound Carriers for Magnetic Recording Equipment," Technical Report No. PH 12240, (Sept. 1944), Dept. of Commerce, Wash. 25, D.C.
  57. 1944 Toomin H. and Wildfeuer, D.: "The Mechanism of Supersonic Frequencies as Applied to Magnetic Recording," Proc. I.R.E., 32, 11. (Nov. 1944), p. 604.
  58. 1944 Raynor, Kenneth C.: "German Magnetic Tape Recorder, Tonschreiber, Models B and B1," Technical Report No. PH 1027, (Dec. 1944), Dept. of Commerce, Wash. 25, D.C.
  59. 1944 Temple, M.D.: "Investigations on New Magnetic Recording Media," Technical Report No. PH 33200, (1944), Dept. of Commerce, Wash. 25, D.C.
  60. 1944 Brush Development Co.: "Development of a High Frequency Strain Analyzer, First Report," Technical Report No. PH 32604, Dept. of Commerce, Wash. 25, D.C.
  61. 1944 Brush Development Co.: "Development of a High Frequency Strain Analyzer, Second Report," Technical Report No. PH 32605, Dept. of Commerce, Wash. 25, D.C.
  62. 1944 Brush Development Co.: "Development of a High Frequency Strain Analyzer, Third Report," Technical Report No. PH 32606), Dept. of Commerce, Wash. 25, I). C.
  63. 1944 Brush Development Co.: "Development of a High Frequency Strain Analyzer, Fourth Report," Technical Report No. PH 24884, Dept. of Commerce, Wash. 25, D.C.
  64. 1945 Columbia University: "Handbook of Instructions, Magnetic Tape Recorder, Serials 4, 5 and 6," (April 1945), Technical Report No. PH 13885, Dept. of Commerce, Wash. 25, D.C.
  65. 1945 Columbia University: "Handbook of Instruments, Magnetic Tape Recorder, Serials 1, 2 and 3, (May 195), Technical Report No. PB 13887, Dept. of Commerce, Wash. 25, D.C.
  66. 1945 Hansell, C.W.: "Miscellaneous Developments in German Science and Industry," (June 1945), Technical Report No. PH 31594, Dept. of Commerce, Wash. 25, D.C.
  67. 1945 Office of Scientific Research and Development : Report No. 5325, (June 1945).
  68. 1945 Hansell, C.W.; DeBell, J.M.; Goggin, W.C. and Gloor, W.K.: "Report on the Magnetophone," U. S. Army Intelligence Report on Captured Enemy Equipment, Technical Report No. PH 1346, (June-August 1945), Dept. of Commerce, Wash. 25, D.C.
  69. 1945 Homes, I.C. and Clark, D.L. : "Supersonic Bias for Magnetic Recording," 18,7. Electronics (July 1945), p. 126.
  70. 1945 U.S. Holabird Signal Depot: "German Magnetic Tape Recorder, (Tonschreiber B and B1)" (Dec. 1945) Technical Report No. PH 33126, Dept. of Commerce, Wash. 25, D.C.
  71. 1945 U.S. Signal Corps: "German Tape Impulse Recorder," (1945) Technical Report No. PH 2259, Dept. of Commerce, Wash. 25, D.C.
  72. 1945 U.S. Signal Corps: "Magnetic Sound Recorders, Magnetophone and Tonschreiber (1945) Technical Report No. PK 3586, Dept. of Commerce, Wash. 25, D.C.
  73. 1946 Menard, James C.: "High Frequency Metaphone Magnetic Sound Recorders" Technical Report No. PB 12659, (Jan. 1946, Dept. of Commerce, Wash. 25, D.C.
  74. 1946 Harcourtl, Wm. M.: "Agfa Colour," Technical Report No. PB 25659, (Jan. 1940) Dept. of Commerce, Wash. 25, D.C.
  75. 1946 Wooldridge, D. E.: "Signals and Noise Levels in Magnetic Tape Recording," A.I.E.E. Trans vol. 65, (June 1946), p. 343.
  76. 1946 Camras, Marvin: "Theoretical Response from A Magnetic-Wire Record," Proc. I.R.E. and Waves and Electrons, 34, 8. Aug. 1946), p. 597.
  77. 1947 Begun, S.J.: "Recent Developments in the Field of Magnetic Recording," Journ. Soc. Mot. Eng., 48, 1. (Jan. 1947), p. 597.
  78. 1947 Camras, Marvin: "Magnetic Sound for Motion Pictures," Journ. Soc. Mot. Pict. Eng., 48, 1. (Jan. 1947), p. 14.
  79. 1947 Tinkham, R.J. and Hovers, J.S.: "A Magnetic Sound Recorder of Advanced Design," Journ. Soc. Mot. Eng., 48, 1. (Jan. 1947), p. 29.
  80. 1947 Robin, H.L.: "Magnetophone, Type K-7," Technical Report No. PR 60743 (Jan. 1947) Dept. of Commerce, Wash. 25, D.C.
  81. 1947 Research Council: "Discussion of Magnetic Recording" Journ. Soc. Mot. Eng., 48, I. (Jan. 1947), p. 50.
  82. 1947 Howell, H.A.: "Magnetic Sound Recording on Coated Paper Tape", Journ. Soc. Mot. Eng. 48, 1.(Jan. 1947), p. 30.
  83. 1947 Miller, W.C: "Magnetic Recording for Motion Picture Studios", Journ. Soc. Mot. Eng. 48, I. (Jan. 1947), p. 57.
  84. 1947 Chinn, Howard A.: "Magnetic Tape Recorders in Broadcasting," Audio Engineering 31,5. (May, 1947), p. 10.
  85. 1947 Holmes, Lynn C: "Some Factors Influencing the Choice of a Medium for Magnetic Recording," Jour. Acous. Soc. Amer., 19, 3. (May 1947), p. 395.
  86. 1947 O'Brien, Richard S.: "Adapting Paper Tape Recorders for Broadcasting," Audio Engineering, 31,6. (June 1947), p. 10.
  87. 1947 Williams, A.L.W.: "Rotatable Magnetic Reproducing Means," U.S. Patent No. 2,424,29:5, (Granted July 22, 1947).
  88. 1947 Nygaard, H.: "Continuous Magnetic Recording System," U.S. Patent No. 2,424,498. (Granted July 1947).
  89. 1947 Begun, S.J.: "Magnetic Recording-Reproducing Means and Systems," U.S. Patent No. 2,424,218. (Granted July 1947).
  90. 1947 Ranger, R.H.: "Design of Magnetic Tape Recorders," Tele-Tech, (6,8. (Aug. 1947), page 56.
  91. 1947 Kornei, Otto:"Frequency Response of Magnetic Recording," Electronics, 20,8. (Aug. 1947), p. 124.
  92. 1947 Indiana Steel Products Co.: "Hyflux Magnetic Recording Tape," Engineering Bulletin No. EBT101, (1947), Indiana Steel Products Co., Chicago 2, Ill.


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