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"The Fisher" Hifi im Jahr 1962

Im Jahr 1962 war ich (gr) 13 Jahre alt und wir wohnten bereits in Wiesbaden Stadtmitte. Wiesbaden war auch damals bereits eine mittelgroße Stadt mit ca. 250 Tausend Einwohnern (Mainz hatte nur 170.000) und es gab 2 oder 3 "Hifi-Studios" oder besser gesagt: Rundfunkfachgeschäfte mit größen Musikgeräten. Und wir hatten mindestens 2 Warenhäuser (Hertie und Karstadt) mit damals großen Radioabteilungen. Mein Vater war zum Ende 1961 aus dem Kinobereich der UFA ausgeschieden (worden) und arbeitete jetzt bei einer Schmalfilmfirma. Damit war weder an einen Fernseher und schon gar nicht an eine Stereo- oder Hifi-Anlage zu denken. Unser alter Grundig 3055 3D tat klaglos seinen Dienst und für mich waren nur die tollen Schaufenster dieser wenigen Radiogeschäfte interessant. Alles andere waren Hirngespinste oder unerreichbare Träume. Und so sammelte ich damals alle nur möglichen Rundfunk-Kataloge einschließlich der Grundig Revue.

Dieser "The Fisher" Prospekt hier stammt aus dem Nachlass des Wolfgang Hasselbach, der 1962 bereits bei Braun in Frankfurt die neuen Hifi-Geräte entwickelte.

1962 - Wohnen in der "Oberklasse" (upperclass)

Ein Werbe-Wohnzimmer aus der BOSE Werbung einschließlich der deutschen "DGG" Classic Platte

Es gibt natürlich noch etwas (ganz neben- bei) zu beachten oder zu beobachten: Wie wohnten die Amerikaner der gehobenen und höheren Schichten am Anfang der 1960er Jahre?

In vielen Bilder sehen wir, wie die ameri- kanischen Wohnzimmer
oder Musikzimmer ausgesehen haben "könnten". Es sind natürlich sehr oft nur Promotion-Fotos und unter vielen dieser Bilder steht ganz klein ein Copyright irgendeiner Plywood Firma (oder einer Werbe-Agentur), also einer amerikanischen Hausbaufirma, ähnlich wie bei uns die Fertighaus-Firmen.

Plywood ist aber ganz normales "Sperrholz" und bei jedem Hurricane sehen wir (bei uns) im Fernsehen, wie in Amerika diese schönen - aber nur zusammem genagelten Häuser - regelmäßig wie Streicholzschachteln zerlegt werden - samt der teuren Super-Stereoanlage.

Und solche Häuser in dieser Einkommensklasse haben durchaus 220qm Wohnfäche mit 3 Schlafzimmern, 3 Bädern, Küche, Eßraum, Wohnzimmer, Musikzimmer, Flur und Eingangshalle. Ich war 1985 zu einem Geburtstag eines Geschäftsfreundes in Carson City in Nevada eingeladen, es war beeindruckend. Übrigens, Keller wie bei uns, kennen die Amerikaner fast nicht. Ein Wohnzimmer für den Smalltalk am Abend konnte dabei durchaus ca. 60 bis 90qm groß sein. Werfen Sie kurz einen Blick in solch ein Wohnzimmer (oben auf die Bose 901 Werbung von 1974).


The Fisher Tradition

1962 - Eine der ersten Fisher Broschüren

If a cross section of serious music lovers were asked to list their requirements for a theoretically 'ideal' manufacturer of high-fidelity equipment to serve their own needs, the chances are they would reply with a fairly accurate description of the Fisher Radio Corporation.

They would undoubtedly want the head of the company to be a devoted music lover himself, preferably a trained musician, and most certainly an avid record collector.

Avery Fisher is all three-chamber music enthusiast, violinist, and owner of one of the country's major record collections. He also has an unusually rare library of chamber music.

They would want the company to be deeply aware of every problem faced by the discriminating home music listener, of every major and minor trend in high fidelity, of even the slightest new development in audio engineering, and to have vast experience in translating this awareness into the finest equipment.

Avery Fisher - Founder and President Fisher Radio Corporation
The Fisher Logo 1962

Avery Fisher built his original high-quality radio and phonograph systems in 1937, as much for himself as for his handful of knowledgeable patrons, at a time when 'high fidelity' was strictly professional jargon and natural-sounding equipment designed specifically for the home desperately scarce.

Since then, he and the Fisher Radio Corporation have been responsible for more engineering 'firsts' in high-fidelity than all other companies together. (See complete list of Fisher Firsts on inside back cover.)

Today, in the new age of stereo, Fisher components built in 1937 are still in use - and the 1962 Fisher components are again considered by engineers and musicians alike to be the finest available in their respective categories.

One could draw many other parallels between the music lover's desires and "The Fisher Tradition". The important thing, however, is that the Fisher Radio Corporation is as deeply steeped in music itself as in technical know-how and that each new Fisher component design, before it can go into production, must satisfy not only a staff of the most experienced audio and radio engineers to be found anywhere but also the ears of a man who knows what a real violin sounds like.

Since those early beginnings nearly 25 years ago, some of the world's most prominent people - heads of state, royalty, leaders of industry and of the sciences and professions - have joined the roster of Fisher owners.

Components 1
Components 2
Solutions 1
Solutions 2
Solutions 3

Throughout the world, they represent the truest index to the meaning and worth of the Fisher brand name - for it has become an international synonym for high-quality sound reproduction.

None of this, however, gives Avery Fisher nearly as much satisfaction as the fact that many of the world's greatest musical artists choose Fisher equipment to hear their own recordings in their homes.

The President of the Fisher Radio Corporation considers himself to be its most demanding patron and he is pleased to find himself in authoritative company.

How to keep components in their place....

When you plan your stereo installation, always remember two basic requirements:

Electronic components must have adequate ventilation and loudspeakers must be properly placed for good stereo effect.

Never have a tuner, amplifier or receiver in a completely enclosed space. There must be access to the cooler outside air, preferably through substantial openings, for proper air flow.

Never place stereo loudspeakers less than 4 feet or more than 15 feet apart, nor position them in such a way that one is much closer to the listening area than the other.

Otherwise, there is no limit to the number of ways you can exercise your ingenuity in placing your stereo components.



Special Problems ... Special Solutions!





Solutions 4


Do you need help in planning the installation of your stereo system? If so, the services of our Mr. Richard Hamilton are available to you without cost.

Simply send us (either through your dealer or directly) a rough sketch of your room layout, the dimensions of the space available for installation of the electronic equipment, and your choice or preference of the FISHER models in the system planned. Mr. Hamilton will advise you on how to make the most effective use of the cabinet space as well as the room acoustics.

Isaac Stern
Sol Hurok
Victoria de los Angeles
Andre Kostelanetz
Eugene Ormandy

From the distinguished Roster of FISHER Owners:

"I have just purchased my third Fisher, and it is giving me the same fabulously true reproduction of my phonograph records, and in the reception of high fidelity broadcasts, as do the others. It is a constant source of enjoyment and relaxation to me."
- Isaac Stern, Concert Violinist

"Until I actually heard the Fisher, I had no idea that recorded music could be recreated with such startling completeness and reality. I would be remiss, indeed, if I failed to express my appreciation to your entire staff for creating this wonderful instrument."
- Sol Hurok, Impresario

"I was thrilled and fascinated by the life-like reproduction, not only of my own recordings but those of other artists with whom I have sung at the opera. Many subtle shadings and nuances that I had not realized were in the recordings were fully and beautifully expressed."
- Victoria de los Angeles, Soprano, The Metropolitan Opera Company

"I am delighted with the superb tone of your instrument. It is true and encompassing. In admiration of your art."
- Andre Kostelanetz, Conductor

"My new FISHER instrument arrived in perfect order. I have been using it constantly ever since. It is as wonderful as I knew it would be and I am delighted with it. Ordinarily, I do not indulge in descriptive extremes but the FISHER is, without question, one of the finest instruments I have ever heard anywhere. Its tone is as close to live performance as I believe it is possible to get, and the high fidelity quality is perfect."
- Eugene Ormandy, Music Director The Philadelphia Orchestra Association

Introducing The Fisher 1962 Stereo Components

The unprecedented comprehensiveness of the new Fisher line of components permits you to select precisely what you need and no more than you need. The more elaborate and costly Fisher components differ from the simpler models not in basic quality but merely in versatility and an extra margin of performance for special needs and particular situations. The basic standard is the same for all Fisher components: distortion-free stereo reproduction with even the most demanding program material, coupled with unqualified durability in service.

The totally integrated approach: simply connect two speakers


65-WATT AM-FM Stereo Multiplex Receiver

THE best of everything - AM and FM - Multiplex tuners for every existing type of broadcast (mono or stereo), a stereo master control center of grand organ flexibility and simplicity, a stereo amplifier capable of producing 65-watts of pure, undistorted power - all these have been joined on one gleaming chassis whose capabilities belie its easy-to-install size. And the new FISHER 800-B features Stereo Beam, the FISHER invention that tells you instantly whether or not an FM station is broadcasting in Stereo Multiplex. No need to consult program listings in the paper, or trot between the two speaker systems to know what is going on. A separate sub-channel noise filter eliminates noise and hiss on Multiplex programs without impairing the full tonal range. There is no easier way to install a complete stereo system in your home - simply add two speakers and a record player to the 800-B, and you can look forward to virtually unlimited years of musical enjoyment.

Outstanding Features and technical Specifications

• Exclusive Stereo Beam. • Separate Tuning Indicators for AM and FM. • Linear Logging Scale. • CONTROLS: AM Tuning, FM Tuning, Dual Bass and Treble, Nine-Position Selector (Tape Head, Phono, MPX Filter, MPX Stereo, FM, FM-AM-Stereo, AM, Aux, Tape), Balance, Volume. SWITCHES: High Filter, Low Filter, Channel Reverse, Tape Monitor, Mono-Stereo, Phase Reverse, AM Bandwidth. • Loudness Contour Control maintains proper bass and treble intensity even at lowest volume settings. • Magnificent architectural brass-finish control panel.

FM TUNER Wide-band design. Sensitivity: 0.9 microvolts (72 ohms, 20 db quieting), 2.5 microvolts (IHFM Standard.) Three IF Stages. FM-Stereo separation, 35 db. AM TUNER: Sensitivity 5 microvolts for 2 Watts output. AMPLIFIER: Power output, 65 Watts. Harmonic distortion, 0.5%. Hum and noise, -85 db. RIAA sensitivity, 3.3 mv. Aux sensitivity, 230 mv. Output impedances 4, 8 and 16 ohms, chassis dimensions: 17" wide, 5" high, 13" deep, weight: 33 pounds. Wood Cabinets in Walnut (Model 30-UW), Mahogany (Model 30-UM.)

Connect to two speakers

When a FISHER stereo tuner is combined on the same chassis with a FISHER stereo control amplifier, the result is an integrated FISHER Stereo Receiver. Just a few turns of a screwdriver will connect the necessary pair of speakers, and you immediately have music in stereo - of a quality previously obtainable only with separate Fisher amplifiers and tuners. This has far-reaching implications; for now even those who want to avoid the slightest technicality - who do not even want to bother plugging a connecting cable into a plainly marked receptacle - can have component-quality stereo without outside assistance.

65-WATT FM STEREO Multiplex Receiver

Stereophonic FM is now a thrilling reality, and the perfect instrument for its full enjoyment is the new FISHER 500-B. Here, on one beautifully integrated chassis, you will find a high-sensitivity, wide-band FM tuner, with built-in Multiplex at its best; a stereophonic master control center; and a powerful, 65-Watt stereophonic amplifier. Simply add two speaker systems and you are ready for regular or stereo FM broadcasts. Add a record player or tape recorder and the wonderful world of recorded music is yours to enjoy as well. Installation time-merely minutes, because of the single chassis. Best feature of all is Stereo Beam, the FISHER invention that tells you instantly whether or not an FM station is broadcasting in Stereo Multiplex. It completely eliminates the "try-and-find-the-Multiplex" problem of conventional Multiplex tuners. A switchable filter reduces hiss and background noise on stereo programs without affecting the frequency response.

Outstanding Features and technical Specifications

Exclusive Stereo Beam. • Tuning Indicator. • Linear Logging Scale. m CONTROLS: MPX Filter, .Station Selector, Dual Bass and Treble, Six-Position Selector (Tape Head, Phono, MPX Stereo, FM, Aux, Tape), Balance, Volume. SWITCHES: High Filter, Low Filter, Tape Monitor, Mono-Stereo, Channel Reverse, Loudness Contour. • Low-level audio tube filaments heated by a separate DC supply. • Magnificent architectural brass-finish control panel.

FM TUNER Wide-band design. Sensitivity: 0.7 microvolts (72 ohms, 20 db. quieting), 2.2 microvolt (IHFM Standard.) Four IF Stages. FM-Stereo separation, 35 db. AMPLIFIER: Power output, 65 Watts. Harmonic Distortion, 0.5%. Hum and Noise, -85 db. RIAA sensitivity, 3.3 mv. Aux Sensitivity, 230 mv. Output Impedances: 4, 8 and 16 ohms, chassis dimensions: 17" wide, 5" high, 13" deep. weight: 31 pounds. Wood Cabinets are available in Walnut (Model 30-UW), Mahogany (Model 30-UM.)

The worlds most advanced wide-band tuners

With the advent of FM-Stereo Multiplex, tuner sensitivity has become more important than ever before. Genuinely distortion-free reception of FM stereo broadcasts requires greater sensitivity - and generally more sophisticated circuitry - than monophonic performance of equivalent quality.
FISHER FM tuners have always been the most sensitive in the world. Previous monophonic models also have more than ample sensitivity for Multiplex and need only be connected to the FISHER Universal Multiplex Adapter to achieve brilliant stereo performance.

Even by FISHER standards, however, the new FISHER FM-Stereo tuners with built-in Multiplex facilities represent a significant step forward in sensitivity and advanced wide-band circuitry. They are unquestionably the most advanced FM components available today.


The new FM-1000 represents the sum total of FISHER FM engineering knowledge and experience. It is strictly for the audio connoisseur seeking the absolute ultimate in FM-Stereo tuners. The tunable front end, incorporating 4 tuned circuits and 2 Nuvistor tubes, achieves what appears to be the present world's record in usable sensitivity. A total of 6 IF stages, 5 wide-band limiters and an extremely wide-band ratio detector add up to the most sophisticated FM circuitry available today, with unprecedented image and spurious response rejection. Audio distortion is as low as in the finest existing preamplifiers. The greatest possible convenience in FM Stereo reception is assured by the exclusive Stereo Beacon, the ingenious FISHER invention that automatically lights an indicator when the station received is broadcasting in Multiplex and at the same time automatically switches the tuner from mono to Stereo Multiplex operation.

Outstanding Features and technical Specifications

• Stereo Beacon. • Separate Audio Level VU Meter. • RF Signal Strength Meter. • Exclusive IF muting circuit for stereo as well as mono. • CONTROLS: Station Selector with Automatic Micro-Tune AFC, Audio Level, Power On-Off, Mode Selector, (Mono, Stereo, Stereo Filter, Aux) Calibrated Audio Level Meter Range Control, Variable Muting, AFC Mode Selector, Front-End Circuit Selector (crystal and tuneable.) • Three jewel lights: AFC, Muting, Stereo Beacon. • Architectural brass-finished control panel.

• Chassis and Rear Panel Features: • Four output jacks. • Provision for adding crystal control front-end and two 600-ohm output transformers. Wood Cabinet available in Walnut (Model 20-UW.) Metal Cabinet in simulated leather. (Model TA-10.) • Frequency Response: 20-15,000 cps (after de-emphasis.) • Sensitivity (20 db quieting) : 0.45 Microvolts with 72 Ohm Antenna; 0.9 Microvolts with 300 Ohm Antenna. • Sensitivity (IHFM Standard, 300 Ohm Antenna): 1.5 Microvolts. • Signal to Noise Ratio: Better than 75 db (100% Modulation.) • Capture Ratio: 1.5 db (IHFM Standard.) • Four-Gang, Golden Cascode front-end, plus two Nuvistors. • IF Stages: Six, wide-band. • Limiter: Five, wide-band. • Harmonic Distortion: 0.3% (100% Modulation.) • FM Stereo Separation: 35 db (at 1 Kc.) • Rated Audio Output: 2.0 Volts. • Chassis Dimensions: 16"W wide, 4" high, 12" deep. • Weight: 20 pounds.



The FMR-1 is identical to the FM-1000 above, except for minor physical details, such as the standard 19-inch rack panel, which make it directly adaptable to broadcasting network installations. It can be supplied on special order with a plug-in crystal-controlled front end, to maintain its fixed frequency within 0.0015% for unattended operation.


The FM-50-B was designed to provide, at moderate cost, all of the elements essential for optimum reception of FM monophonic or Multiplex stereo broadcasts. Nothing has been sacrificed to maintain the laboratory standards that distinguish all FISHER components. A high-gain triode RF amplifier stage is utilized to achieve a very high degree of sensitivity. Four IF stages are incorporated in the circuit to insure maximum gain, high selectivity, and the broad bandwidth necessary for optimum reception of Multiplex broadcasts. The last two IF stages also serve as limiters to cut off random and impulse-type noise. A wide-band ratio detector provides a high degree of AM suppression with minimum distortion. Tuning is made simple and effortless by virtue of a flywheel-loaded tuning control and a highly sensitive tuning eye. The tuning eye is another unique Fisher First, for in addition to serving as a signal strength indicator, it can also be used, with the turn of a front-panel switch, as a Stereo Beam indicator which signals automatically the presence of a Stereo Multiplex program.


The new FM-100-B couples the finest wide-band design with advanced Multiplex circuitry-features that are a 'must' for low-noise FM-Stereo reception of outstanding quality. The high-gain Golden Cascode 'front-end' plus 5 IF stages and 4 limiters assure the clearest and most reliable reception of even the weakest or most distant of stations. This ability to operate perfectly on weak signals is equally important in large cities, where steel buildings and other man-made obstacles impair FM reception when ordinary tuners are used. The exclusive FISHER Stereo Beacon on the FM-100-B automatically shows at a glance whether or not an FM station is broadcasting in Multiplex and automatically switches the tuner to the required mode of operation, mono or stereo. From the solid 'feel' of the tuning dial control and the professional-type tuning meter, to the superb listening quality of the extremely low-distortion output, everything about the FISHER FM-100-B bespeaks quality of the highest order.


The FM-200-B is unquestionably the world's finest FM tuner intended specifically for home use. It comes within a hairsbreath of the unsurpassed performance of the professional-standard FM-1000 (or FMR-1) design - and at substantially lower cost. In fact, the FISHER FM-200B outclasses by a wide margin all FM tuners of other makes. Its ultra-advanced Golden Cascode frontend incorporates four tuned circuits and two of the new Nuvistor tubes plus 5 IF stages, 4 stages of limiting and a wide-band ratio detector, to achieve a degree of sensitivity, selectivity, noise suppression and general freedom from interference considered unattainable even quite recently. The exclusive FISHER MicroTune automatic frequency control feature makes incorrect tuning impossible, even by the novice. Even more remarkable is the exclusive Stereo Beacon, the FISHER invention that automatically lights a lamp on the control panel when a station is broadcasting in Multiplex and automatically switches the tuner from mono to stereo. A unique Multiplex noise filter cancels high-frequency noise without any impairment of the full frequency range of the music signal. Audio quality is limited only by that of the broadcast signal itself-the inherent distortion in the tuner circuits is so low as to be virtually unmeasurable.

Outstanding Features and technical Specifications

• Stereo Beacon. • Tuning Meter. • Exclusive IF muting circuit for stereo as well as mono. • CONTROLS: Station Selector with Automatic Micro-Tune AFC, Audio Level, Power On-Off, Mode Selector, (Mono, Stereo, Stereo Filter), Variable Muting, AFC Mode Selector, Front-End Circuit Selector (crystal and tuneable.) • Three jewel lights: AFC, Muting, Stereo Beacon. • Architectural brass-finished control panel.
Wood Cabinet for FK-200-B in Walnut (Model 10-UW.) • Frequency Response: 20-15,000 cps (after de-emphasis.) within 1db • Sensitivity (20 db quieting) : 0.5 Microvolts with 72 Ohm Antenna; 1.6 Microvolts (IHFM Standard) • Signal to Noise Ratio: Better than 74 db (100% Modulation.) • Capture Ratio: 1.5 db (IHFM Standard.) • Four-Gang, Golden Cascode front-end, plus two Nuvistors. • IF Stages: 5 wide-band. • Limiter: Five, wide-band. • Harmonic Distortion: 0.3% (100% Modulation.) • FM Stereo Separation: 35 db (at 1 Kc.) • Power Consumption 58 watts - Rated Audio Output: 2.0 Volts. • Chassis Dimensions: 15"W wide, 4" high, 13" deep. • Weight: 20 pounds.

DYNAMIC Spaceexpander

Now, with the FISHER K-10 Dynamic Spacexpander, the owner of a home music system can add a new dimension to listening - the dimension of reverberation, with one simple control. Natural reverberation is created by the reflection of sound from the walls and ceiling of an auditorium - sound which reaches the listener's ear a tiny fraction of a second later than the sound from the original source. For example, a single hand-clap is heard several times - first, as a direct sound impulse, and then (with much less intensity) as reflected sound which rapidly diminishes, or "decays." The time of this decay is a function of the size and characteristics of the auditorium. So important is reverberation as a psychological stimulus that it is the way we instinctively estimate the size of a room.

The FISHER K-10 Dynamic Spacexpander now makes it possible for every home listener to control, to a degree never before possible, the actual character of sound produced from any source-records, tape, home recordings, or radio broadcasts. The FISHER K-10 is remarkably simple to operate (there is only one control) and easy to install. ONE K-10 PLAYS STEREO OR MONO PROGRAMS.

A portion of the input signal is fed into the electronic unit of the FISHER K-10, sent to the reverberation unit, then recombined with the original program signal. The reverberation unit is a slender metal enclosure containing a pair of coil springs connecting two transducers. The input transducer converts the electrical signal to a turning movement which travels down the springs to the output transducer, where it is converted back to electrical energy, and fed to the power amplifier. This reverberated signal is delayed a nominal 33 milliseconds, thereby simulating the natural reverberation of a well-designed auditorium.

Self-powered, 105-120 V.A.C. 3 dual-purpose tubes: 1-7247, 2-7025/ ECC83/12AX7. Selenium rectifier, decay time: variable, maximum 2 seconds at 300 cps. minimum input voltage required, 0.2 volt;
250,000 ohms; output impedance, 2000 ohms, output voltage, 0.2-5 volts, gain, unity, hum level, 80 db below 2.5 volts, power consumption, 10 watts.

World's Finest Reverberation Unit For Home and Professional Use


Your present stereo system is not obsolete. You can add FM-Stereo-Multiplex and enjoy fabulous Multiplex broadcasts simply by adding a FISHER Adaptor! Both the MPX-100 and MPX-200 are universal models - designed for use with any FM tuner or receiver of good quality - regardless of its age, make or model. Special controls match them exactly to the electrical requirements of your equipment, assuring optimum results. Once set, these controls need no further attention. Simply connect a FISHER Adaptor and you can immediately start enjoying the thrilling new FM-Stereo broadcasts, tuning in FM stations exactly as before.


The FISHER MPX-100 is equipped with Stereo Beacon, the fabulous FISHER invention that instantly tells you whether the station to which you are tuned is broadcasting standard FM or FM-Stereo-Multiplex. If the program is Stereo-FM, Stereo Beacon automatically lights an indicator jewel and automatically switches your equipment from mono to stereo operation. On monaural programs, Stereo Beacon automatically switches to mono operation. This FISHER exclusive makes Multiplex a pleasure, not a problem.

Outstanding Features

• Stereo Beacon. • Automatic Switching to stereo or mono operation. • Selector (AC Power, Tuner, Stereo-Mono automatic, Stereo manual.) • Two-Position Noise Filter. • Auxiliary AC receptacle on rear apron. • Dual Output Level Controls. Variable Separation Control. • Two Output and Four Input Jacks. • Architectural brass-finish Control Panel. • Beautiful, wood cabinet available in Walnut (Model 40-UW) and Mahogany (Model 40-UM.)


The FISHER MPX-200 has the basic electronic features of the MPX-100 but has been designed for those who wish to add a Multiplex Adaptor in a concealed location, eliminating the need for changing the front appearance or arrangement of their present equipment. The MPX-200 is identical to the MPX-100 in quality, freedom from distortion, unusually high channel-separation, and extremely favorable signal-to-noise ratio. It can be concealed anywhere near your present tuner.

Outstanding Features

• Self-Powered. • Compact and designed for easy installation. • Can be placed up to three feet from the tuner or receiver. • Two Level Controls match the volume of the Stereo programs to phono, tape, etc.
• Selector Switch to record stereo programs mono-phonically! • Precision separation control matches the MPX-200 to any tuner or receiver, assuring maximum stereo separation. • Controls need be set only at time of installation. • Unusually effective filtering, for flawless tape recording.

Technical Specifications

• Frequency Response: 20-15,000 cps ±: 1 db.
• Sensitivity: MPX-100, 15 millivolts. MPX-200, 20 millivolts (for 19 kc signal).
• Gain: 16 db.
• Input (Low Level) : 2.0 volts.
• Input (High Level) : 8.0 volts.
• Harmonic Distortion: 0.5% (at 1 kc).
• Hum and Noise: Better than -70 db.
• Power Requirements: Self-Powered, 105-120 volts, 50/60 cycles.
• Power Consumption: MPX-100, 25 watts. MPX-200, 14 watts.
• Tubes: MPX-100, five, plus selenium rectifier. MPX-200, four, plus selenium rectifier.
• Diodes: MPX-100, total of ten. MPX-200, total of eight.
• Chassis Dimensions: MPX-100,4" wide, 4" high, 12" deep.
MPX-200, 12" wide, 4" high, 3" deep.
• Weight: MPX-100, 9 pounds. MPX-200, 3Vk pounds.

THE FISHER PR-6 Mono Preamplifier

Outstanding Features and technical Specifications

• Two high gain triode stages (65C7). • Gain: Phono, 1 v output for 10 mv input; microphone, 1 v output for 1 mv input; tape, 1 v output for 5 mv input. • Frequency- Response: ± 2 db 30-20,000 cps. • Hum: Better than 60 db below 1 v for phono; better than 70 db below 1 v for microphone. • Equalization: RIAA for phono NARTB for tape. • Self-Powered (105-120 V.A.C.) • size: 3" x 3" x 3" high. • weight: 1 1/2 pounds.

The professional approach to amplifiers

An amplifier has two basic functions - to boost the signal to a strength sufficient to drive the loudspeaker and to control the signal with respect to volume, frequency response and other characteristics. When these two basic functions are completely separated, individual units can be designed on separate chassis to perform one function only, with the ultimate degree of perfection and flexibility, without regard to size, space, layout of parts, or any other consideration. The world's finest professional amplification systems have always been designed on this basis, and that is the design philosophy behind the three FISHER components described here.


Designed from the outset to meet every possible audio control requirement, the 400-CX has twenty-eight controls and eighteen inputs, all so simply arranged that even a novice can operate them easily. The exclusive full-range stereo dimension control widens or narrows the apparent acoustic distance between stereo speakers. This invention compensates for recordings with insufficient channel separation and for speakers placed too close together or too far apart. Jewel light system, visible from any listening position, indicates exact setting of mode selector switch. Center channel output is provided for the connection of an additional amplifier and speaker to improve stereo sound distribution. In addition, a center channel output, unaffected by volume or tone controls, is included. Special jacks allow for quick connection of the FISHER RK-1 Remote Control and the FISHER K-10 Dynamic Spacexpander. A new tape switching system permits the utilization of all audio controls during tape playback.


Controls: Stereo Dimanesion, Master Volume, eight position low level equalizer, and many others

Frequency response : 10-25.000 cps within 1db • Rated Output: 2.5 volts RMS. • Harmonic distortion: 0.04%. • Hum and noise: 80 db below rated output. • Channel separation: 67 db at 1 Kc. • Sensitivity (Low Level Inputs): Mag 1 & 2, 1.5 Millivolts; Tape Head, 3.0 Millivolts; Microphone, 1.8 Millivolts. • Sensitivity (High Level Inputs) : Tuner 0.2 Volts for 2.5 Volts output; Tape 1.0 Volts for 2.5 Volts output. • chassis dimensions: 15" wide, 4" high, 12" deep: 18 pounds.

90 watt Stereo Power Amplifier

Consisting of two fully identical basic amplifier channels for both stereophonic or monophonic reproduction, the SA-300-B offers true laboratory-quality at a mere fraction of the usual cost of equipment of this calibre. You can depend on it for distortion-free audio power at all listening levels. Hum and noise content is less than l/1000th of 1% of full rated output! A center channel output is included for connection to a third amplifier and loudspeaker system to fill the center of the stereophonic sound pattern. When using low-efficiency, high-compliance speaker systems, the high power of the SA-300-B is an absolute prerequisite for obtaining professional sound reproduction at both ends of the audible spectrum. Moreover, with the SA-300-B you will find that the choice of speaker enclosures is less critical, since you can obtain the exact damping factor required for whatever speaker system you choose.

Outstanding Features and technical Specifications

Power Rating 90 watts music power (IHFM standard), 45 watts per channel, Frequency response 20-20000cps within -1/2db over the entire audible range, 0,8 volts input at 1000cps for rated output, hum and noise: 100db at rated output, Harmonic Distortion: 0.5%. at rated outpu, Speaker Connections: 4, 8 and 16 ohm impedances, plus terminals for adding a resistor to match the recommended speaker damping factors, 10 tubes, Dimension 16" x 7" x 6", weight 31 pounds.

Am Ende bleiben von den "outstanding features" gerade mal echte 2 x 25 Watt Sinus-Leistung übrig !

50 watt Stereo Power Amplifier

The SA-100 is a truly remarkable instrument. It has been equipped with features found only in the costliest of dual-channel amplifiers. With the SA-100, for example, you are free to choose any speaker system you desire. Its advanced circuitry guarantees optimum results with high and low-efficiency speakers. Equipped with center channel output, the SA-100 permits you to add a third amplifier and speaker system at any time, for augmented stereo coverage and realism. There are controls for two-speaker monophonic operation, input level, bias and other adjustments. Exemplifying the great attention paid even to the smallest detail, in true FISHER tradition, the SA-100 even has external test point terminals! In its class, it is without an equal.

Outstanding Features and technical Specifications

Power Rating 50 watts music power (IHFM standard), 25 watts per channel, Frequency response 20-20000cps within -1/2db over the entire audible range, 1,0 volts input at 1000cps for rated output, hum and noise: 90 db at rated output, Harmonic Distortion: 0.3%. at rated outpu, Speaker Connections: 4, 8 and 16 ohm impedances, plus terminals for adding a resistor to match the recommended speaker damping factors, 10 tubes, Dimension 6" x 12" x 7", weight 24 pounds.

Power and control ... all in 0ne !

Combining the power amplifier section and the 'front-end' audio controls on one chassis not only saves space but also avoids costly duplication of parts. When executed with the touch of genius that distinguishes FISHER engineering, this design approach gives the purchaser the most performance for his investment. The most advanced FISHER Control Amplifiers are in the class of perfectionist equipment formerly available only as two-chassis systems; the less ambitious models are merely the world's finest for their size and price.

110-Watt Stereo Master and Control Amplifier

The FISHER Studio Standard Model X-1000 is by far the most powerful and in every way the most advanced single-chassis Control Amplifier in the world. It incorporates a 110 watt 'no-compromise' stereo power amplifier on the same chassis with an ultrasophisticated, professional-quality preamplifier and control system. Equipment of this caliber has previously been available only in two separate units, occupying considerably more space and significantly higher in cost.

A special feature is the exclusive FISHER tape monitoring system, which permits the monitoring of tapes and the use of all tone controls and switches during playback without changing cable connections. The center channel output for a third speaker can be switched by a front panel control. An additional center channel output is provided for remote operation. Precise blending of the two stereo channels is accomplished by the "Stereo Dimension Control".

A special control permits operation of the FISHER (K-10 Spacexpander) reverberation system from the front panel. A rear-panel input is provided for the RK-1 remote control and personal listening is made possible through an earphone jack.

Outstanding Features

CONTROLS: Low Level Inputs, Center Power Level, Earphones/Speakers Selector, Dual Bass and Treble, Two Earphone Jacks, Nine-Position Program Equalizer Control, Five-Position Mode Selector Switch, Stereo Balance Control, Volume and Loudness Contour, Spacexpander and Stereo Dimension, High and Low Filter Switches, Phase Reverse and Tape Monitor Switches. Five jewel indicator lights provide a visual indication of the Mode Selector Switch position and light in different sequences depending on the type of circuit in operation.

Technical Specifications
Music Power Output 110 Watts (IHFM Standard, both channels.) Harmonic distortion (at rated output) 0.5%. Hum and noise 95 db below rated output. Frequency response 20-20.000 cps, within 1/2db. sensitivity: low level inputs 3.3mv; high level inputs 230mv. High filter 16db/octave above 5Kc. Low filter 12db/octave below 50cps. dimensions: 16" wide, 4" high, 13" deep, weight: 44 pounds. Architectural brass-finish control panel. Walnut Cabinet (Model 20-UWX), Metal Cabinet in simulated leather (Model TA-10X.)

THE FISHER X-202-B 80-WATT Stereo Master Control Amplifier

The X-202-B is the combination of a remarkably flexible Master Audio Control, incorporating all the features normally found on the most elaborate separate control units, plus a high-powered, dual-channel amplifier. The exclusive FISHER internal tape switching system permits monitoring followed by the immediate use of all controls and switches during tape playback-without changing cable connections. A special jack for the FISHER K-10 Spacexpander is provided so that reverberation can be added to all program sources. The center channel loudspeaker output will provide drive for a third speaker without the addition of an extra amplifier. Front panel earphone jack. Connection for Remote Control, Model RK-1.

Outstanding Features and technical Specifications

CONTROLS: Stereo Dimension, Balance, Dual Bass and Treble, Center Speaker Switch, Five-Position Mode Selector, Nine-Position Program Selector (Mic, 3 3/4, 7 1/2, Col, R1AA-1, R1AA-2, Tuner, Aux, Tape Play), High and Low Filter Switches, Loudness Contour. Architectural brass-finish control panel. Wood cabinets available in Walnut (Model 10-UW), Mahagony (Model 10-UM), Metal Cabinet in simulated leather, Model MC-2.

Music Power Output (IHFM Standard, both channels) 80 Watts. Harmonic distortion (at rated output) 0.5%. Hum and noise 90db below rated output. Frequency response 20-20.000cps, within 1db. Sensitivity: low level inputs 3.5mv; high level inputs 280mv. High filter 16db/octave above 5Kc. Low filter 12db/octave below 50cps. 12 tubes, 4 diodes, dimensions: 15" wide, 4" high, 12" deep, weight: 30 pounds.

THE FISHER X-101-B 56-WATT Stereo Master Control Amplifier

The X-101-B is easily the most powerful and versatile Master Control Amplifier in its range. It has ample reserve power to drive even the most inefficient of speaker systems. With the X-101-B's center channel power output you can enjoy the special pleasure of a center-channel speaker system without the added cost of an additional amplifier. The exclusive tape-switching circuit permits full use of all audio controls and switches during playback after monitoring - without changing cable connections. Input and output facilities for the FISHER K-10 Spacexpander are located before the tape recorder output, so that all types of programs may have reverberation added. Earphone jack and low level input controls on front panel.

Outstanding Features and technical Specifications

CONTROLS: Stereo Dimension, Balance, Dual Bass and Treble, Center Channel Switch, Five Position Mode Selector, Five-Position Program Selector (Mag-1, Mag-2, Tuner, Aux, Tape Play), High and Low Filter Switches, Loudness Contour. Architectural brass-finish control panel. Wood cabinets available in Walnut (Model 10-UW), Mahogany (Model 10-UM), Metal Cabinet in simulated leather, Model MC-2.

Music Power Output (IHFM Standard, both channels) 56 watts. Harmonic Distortion (at rated output) 0.5%. Hum and noise 90db below rated output. Frequency response 20-20.000cps, within 1db. sensitivity: low level inputs, 3.5mv; high level inputs, 300mv. High filter 12db/octave above 5Kc. Low filter 12db/octave below 50 cps. 11 tubes, dimensions: 15" wide, 4" high, 11" deep, weight: 24 pounds.

THE FISHER X-100 36-WATT Stereo Master Control Amplifier

The FISHER X-100 provides maximum circuit flexibility with simple-to-operate controls. Maintaining the highest quality standards for which FISHER is famous, it still remains within the moderate price range. This has been achieved on a superbly engineered chassis which combines a stereophonic preamplifier and a dual-channel 36-watt power amplifier. The front panel has sixteen controls and switches to permit the widest flexibility in either monophonic or stereophonic operation. A third amplifier and loudspeaker may be connected to the switch-controlled center channel. Low level phono and tape controls on front panel, for convenience of use.

Outstanding Features and technical Specifications

CONTROLS: Balance, Dual Bass and Treble, Five-Position Mode Selector, Five-Position Input Selector including two positions for magnetic cartridges, High and Low Filter Switches and Loudness Contour. Architectural brass-finish control panel. Wood Cabinets are available in Walnut (Model 10-UW), Mahogany (Model 10-UM.) Metal Cabinet in simulated leather, Model MC-2.

Music Power Output (IHFM Standard, both channels) 36 Watts. Harmonic distortion (at rated output) 0.5%. Hum and noise 90db below rated output. Frequency Response 20-20.000cps, within 1db. Sensitivity (low level inputs) 3.5mv; (high level inputs) 180mv. High filter 12db/octave above 5Kc. Low filter 12db/octave below 50cps. 11 tubes, dimensions: 15" wide, 4"high, 11" deep, weight: 22 pounds.


the only automatic turntable that turns your records over (not just 'round and 'round)

The Fisher-Lincoln is the most versatile record player ever produced. It is the ultimate answer to the problem of completely undisturbed and uninterrupted listening pleasure for hours and hours on end. Load it with as many as ten records and it will play all twenty sides without your lifting a finger! The Fisher-Lincoln is totally unlike mass-produced mechanical record changers. Air is the motive power for all movements and provides a resilient cushion which absolutely prevents the jamming of mechanical parts. No part of the Fisher-Lincoln can be seriously damaged by careless handling because tone arm and changer are entirely independent. Here at last is the laboratory-quality record player which is so trouble-proof, so easy to operate, and so smooth and quiet that it is literally incomparable.

Im Sommer 1963 - und dann im August nochmal - wurde der DUAL 1009 vorgestellt . . . .

und das war dann das Ende solcher Wechsler-Konstruktionen. Thorens hatte auch soetwas im Angebot. DUAL hatte den US-Plattenspieler Markt fast genauso aufgerollt wie Philips (fast gleichzeitig) den Tonbandgeräte- Markt mit dem ersten CC-Kassettenrecorder für alle.


Outstanding Features

• Automatically plays both sides of each record or one side only. Handles 7", 10" and 12" records intermixed and in any sequence. 33 and 45rpm speeds are automatically matched to the record on the table.
• Repeats one or both sides of each record, if desired.
• Handles up to ten records (twenty sides) - over eight hours of continuous music. Also plays single records (one or both sides).
• Records are transported even more gently than one could by hand. No metal touches the record at any time during the play. There is no stationary spindle and center-hole wear is therefore eliminated.
• The only record in motion during operation is the one actually being played. There is no slippage. Furthermore, the tone arm and stylus are always at the ideal angle. (On ordinary changers the stylus angle can be correct only for one of the records in the stack being played.)
• Studio-quality turntable and two heavy-duty precision motors (one for turntable, one for changing mechanism). Three-gram stylus pressure. Drive wheels are released automatically at the end of play, eliminating rumble usually caused by drive wheel distortion.
• Final record grooves are protected against wear by use of an electric (not velocity-type) trip mechanism of high precision.
• Tone arm is designed with standard mount, for all makes of cartridges. Landing position is easily and instantly adjustable from the top.
• Change cycle is controlled by computer-type mechanism, making possible this remarkable wide selection of service:
• Space Requirement: 19" high, 26" wide, 14" front to back.


Significant advances in loudspeaker design have made it possible to attain superb reproduction of sound with an enclosure of bookshelf size. Faithful reproduction of the lower frequencies no longer depends on a structure of unwieldy dimensions, but can now be obtained in a compact cabinet which will fit gracefully into modest space. The FISHER Free-Piston speaker design uses the principle known as 'high compliance' to achieve its excellent reproduction of low bass tones. Of great significance, however, is the fact that FISFIER Free-Piston speakers are also highly efficient. Until the advent of the FISHER design, high-compliance speakers have always been notably inefficient, requiring premium-priced amplifiers to drive them. The FISHER Free-Piston speaker system, through its advanced engineering, is so much more efficient in fact, that full-range reproduction is now possible even with modest ten-watt amplifiers.

The cabinets are hermetically sealed at the factory and all joints are interlocked in the tradition of fine cabinetmaking: no nails or screws are used in their construction. The enclosures are filled with high-density "AcoustiGlas", the identical material used to deaden the sound of jet aircraft engines. There is no enclosure resonance, no parasitic vibration: the reproduced sound is pure and transparent, completely free of spurious coloration of any type. In the simplest terms, the speakers add no 'tone' whatever themselves. They reproduce the music itself.

Cabinets are finished in Mahogany, Walnut or Cherry and are available, as well, in unstained Birch, finish-sanded ready for staining or painting.


First of the remarkable XP series speaker systems by FISHER, the XP-1 is the revolutionary speaker that proved it was possible to have both high compliance and high efficiency in a compact enclosure. Stray magnetic fields, so wasteful of amplifier power, have been concentrated in the air gap around the voice coil by the exclusive FISHER encapsulated magnet structure. The XP-1 is a true three-way system, with a twelve-inch free-piston woofer, five-inch mid-range speaker, and three-inch free-edge cone tweeter. Inclusion of a balance control permits the user to adjust the ratio of the low and high-frequency response to suit precisely the demands of room acoustics and personal taste. When desired, the balance control may be employed to cut off the high-frequency output completely, permitting independent use of the woofer. Each of the three speakers reproduces that portion of the audio spectrum for which it was specially designed, and that portion alone, because no single speaker can by itself possibly cover the entire audible range with fidelity and efficiency. The XP-l's advanced design now makes it possible to obtain magnificent sound reproduction with any amplifier of 10 watts power or more.

Outstanding Features

Outstanding Features
Total of three speakers: 12-inch woofer, 5-inch mid-range speaker, 3-inch cone tweeter of unique free-edge design. The woofer has a massive two-inch voice coil and can be used independently. Frequency response: from 30 cps to well beyond the range of audibility. Crossovers at 1800 and 5000 cps. Impedance: 8ohms. Dimensions: 24" x 13" x 11" deep. Shipping weight: 40 pounds.


In the FISHER XP-2 speaker system, the many advantages of FISHER high-efficiency high-compliance design have been incorporated in a unit of moderate price. Through its carefully evolved design, the XP-2 offers a remarkable transient response and an unusually high overload capacity. Frequency response is smooth and transparent throughout its range, and the low-frequency performance is of a quality heretofore associated only with larger, far more costly and bulky speakers. Two eight-inch low-frequency speakers of free-piston design, each with a 1 1/2-inch voice coil, assure splendid reproduction of bass tones and increased efficiency at the low end of the audible range. The upper range is reproduced by a 5-inch cone capable of a truly clean response up to 15,000 cycles.

Outstanding Features

Total of three speakers: two 8-inch bass units, free-piston design, polyethylene-impregnated suspension for long-range stability, 1 1/2" voice coils. 5-inch cone tweeter, crossover at 2000 cycles. Impedance, 8ohms. Amplifier power required: 10 watts minimum. Dimensions: 22" x 12" x 11*4" deep. Speakers can be used horizontally or vertically. Shipping weight: 30 pounds.


A startling improvement in stereo listening can be instantly achieved by adding a pair of FISHER Wide-Surround speakers to an existing system or console. These moderately-priced, extremely compact units augment the sound from the primary speaker systems and create a breadth of music reproduction that makes every seat in the room a 'front-row-center' location. The FISHER wide-surround speaker system effectively overcomes the 'point source' of sound, and gives the listener the illusion that he is sitting in one of the most desirable seats in the concert hall. This 'wide surround' of music makes it possible for stereophonic listening to be at its best in a much greater area, and eliminates the need for limiting seating locations.

Outstanding Features
10" x 2" oval, Alnico V permanent magnet speaker. Impedance, 8ohms. Frequency response, 250 to 15,000cps, cutoff at 250 cycles. Can be attached to any speaker terminals. 4, 8, or 16 ohms. Cabinets exquisitely finished in Walnut, Mahogany, Teak, Maple or Cherry. Dimensions: 11" wide x 3" high x 4" deep. Shipping weight: 4% pounds each.


Total of four speakers: 12" woofer with two-inch voice coil. Two 5" mid-range speakers ("AcoustiGlas" packed to eliminate cone breakup). One two-inch hemispherical high-frequency unit, covering an angle of 120°, assuring non-directional treble. Frequency response from below 30 cps to well beyond 15.000 cps. Infinitely variable Balance Controls for middle and high frequencies (may be turned off completely, if desired). Professional-type, three-way crossover network uses heavy air-core coils and oil-filled condensers for elimination of distortion at crossover frequencies. Impedance, eight ohms. Power handling capacity, up to 60 watts without breakup. Dimensions: 12" front-to-back x 24" x 14".


  • Every single part in a Fisher instrument, whether you can see it or not, has been selected as though it were the most important part. It is subjected to constant scrutiny and test-from the moment it arrives at our Receiving Department, to the moment the complete instrument is placed in a dust-free, moisture-free plastic bag and sealed in its container for shipment to our customers.
  • Every electronic test and alignment procedure to which a Fisher instrument is subjected is handled by fully automated instruments designed and built in our own laboratories by Fisher engineers. Every single piece of equipment receives the same complete and thorough tests. In this vital work all possible errors due to oversight or fatigue have been eliminated.
  • The Quality Control Department maintains a careful check of all incoming material, as well as all outgoing instruments, to determine if all electrical and mechanical specifications meet the required standards of the Engineering Department. Units are spot-checked off the line, following standard electronic tests, and as finished packed units taken from warehouse inventory stocks. Often Fisher standards for component material are so high that there is nothing commercially available. Dual controls for stereo use with uniform tracking did not exist in practical form until Fisher engineers set up measuring and testing techniques for our control manufacturers to follow.
  • No matter how fine a product, no matter how carefully it is made and tested, its mission cannot be accomplished unless it reaches you, the user, in the same flawless condition in which the final inspector approved it. The carton in which every Fisher instrument is protected and shipped is itself engineered.


Die Firmengebäude :

Das "geplante" neue Firmengebäude


The Largest, Most Modern New Plant In the High Fidelity Industry.

In the rolling hills of Central Pennsylvania, there stands a magnificent new structure. It is Fisher Plant No. 2, located in twenty-acre Fisher Park, Milroy, Pennsylvania. Designed by Gerhard E. Karplus, A.I.A., the 62,000 square-foot structure reflects the latest techniques in industrial building, and contains facilities for the most careful production of high quality stereo equipment. There is no other like it. These new facilities are in addition to those at Fisher Plant No. 1 in Long Island City, N. Y, headquarters for Electronic Production, Administrative Offices, Engineering, Sales & Service.

Fisher Radio Corporation plant in Long Island City • New York

Fisher Radio Corporation plant in Long Island City • New York - FISHER RADIO CORPORATION • LONG ISLAND CITY 1, NEW YORK


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