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April 1962 - Wolfgang Hasselbach besucht London . . .

und dort ging er in der letzen April-Woche 1962 in eines der damals größten Hifi Fachgeschäfte Englands, zu IMHOFS in die New Oxford Street 112-116. Wolfgang Hasselbach war der Chefentwickler Audio bei BRAUN und mußte sich ein Bild machen.

Der erstaunlich aufwendige IMHOFS Hifi-Katalog (nicht ganz A4 quer) von doch beachtlichen 40 teils farbigen Seiten erschließt einen Einblick in den Stand der Entwicklung der Hifi-Technik sowie der Träume der Kunden in England im Jahr 1962.

England hatte nach dem Ende des zweiten Weltkrieges 1945 wirtschaftlich fast genauso lange (oder sogar noch länger) zu knabbern wie Deutschland. Es ging mühsam wieder bergauf. Dazu spielte und spielt sich heute noch das Leben in England nach wie vor in London ab. Und für einen Engländer war es anfänglich zum Beispiel einfach ein Unding, deutsche Tonbandgeräte, Fernseher, Rundfunkgeräte oder Plattenspieler auch nur anzubieten. Das löste sich nur langsam wieder auf.

Die große vierfarbige Frontseite des 1962er IMHOF Hifi-Kataloges.

Ein Blick in IMHOFSs abendliches Schaufenster

Wenn Sie das Bild oben per Klick vergrössern, fällt Ihnen sofort auf, daß da hunderte von 100Watt Strahlern oben unter der Decke die Schaufensterfront ausleuchteten. Strom schien es damals im Überfluß zu geben.

"Wir sind hier seit 1845." Der Spruch ist wirklich gut
. - Gab es denn da überhaupt schon Strom? Dann geht es weiter mit "radio TV grams stereo HIFI tape recorders records" und unten links im Schaufenster steht: "Sei klug, transistorisiere". Doch die 1962er (Germanium-) Transistoren steckten noch in den Kinderschuhen.

Der ganze 1962er Prospekt ist jetzt digitalisiert.

Da die allermeisten Texte wirklich sehr gut zu lesen und zu verstehen sind, finden Sie hier die original englischen Seiten.

Hier also die Einführung - the introduction


this year of hi-fi 1962

foreword by Percy Wilson - world-famous authority on high fidelity.

Ever since the gramophone became something more than a toy the name of Imhof has been a significant signpost in the art and science of sound reproduction. Alfred and Kathleen Imhof, almost alone amongst their contemporaries, appreciated fully what the impact of this art would be on the understanding and dissemination of music.

They converted their music shop into the mecca for enthusiasts; they trained their staff to love music, to know the contents of record cataloaues bv practical plavinq experience; they communicated their own enthusiasm to both staff and customers; they kept in the forefront of all worth while developments.

Their son, Godfrey, has maintained and extended the family tradition of personal service into the more complex fields of radio and television and has strengthened the sense of responsibility and service in all the branches of the firm's activities.

The showrooms in New Oxford Street, the Service headquarters in Islington, the factory at Uxbridge, all exhibit that spirit of enterprise for which Imhofs are now known throughout the world.

I am happy to have this opportunity of paying my tribute to this spirit. For over 40 years I have been a well satisfied customer and in common with many others have come to look upon Imhofs as something fundamental to the industry and something on which one can rely.

Percy Wilson
- Technical Editor The Gramophone Magazine

Mr. Wilson lecturing to the Oxford University Scientific Society in the Clarendon Laboratory photograph Oxford Mail

introduction by A. Godfrey Imhof

Since the first edition was published in 1959, this little book has reached practically every country in the world. Indeed, friends of mine have found it quoted as a standard work of reference in places as far apart as Nigeria and New Zealand. This, I think, is only in part a compliment to the service we try to give; it is also a strong indication of the great need for an unbiassed assessment of hi-fi equipment, given in a form which makes comparison easy. A new edition of our book, therefore, seems essential and we have produced it.

Once more we have tried to compress between two covers the essence of our hi-fi department, describing for you fairly a selection of the equipment we stock and introducing some of my splendid staff (who have done so much to build up our hi-fi business). We have also detailed the ancillary services we offer. We have included a little of the history of the firm and brief references to other parts of the store so that, from this book, those who cannot visit us can yet "see" our hi-fi department in its context within this family business.

I wanted to show you something of our approach to design, to display, to demonstration facilities—all, I hope, in keeping with our times —and something, too, of our traditions, our belief in personal service and our conviction that courteous and efficient attention is not outmoded in this electronic age.

Although our business was started as long ago as 1845 you will find it is our aim to maintain a continual process of modernization to ensure that we are always able to offer you the best possible service. During 1961 we completed the installation of our new shop front; the hi-fi demonstration room has been sound-proofed, acoustically treated and air- conditioned; and to cope with the ever increasing growth of our export business, both the hi-fi assembly division at Islington and the export packing department have been enlarged.

If you can come to see us, to listen to equipment demonstrated with the Stereo Comparator, to discuss points with our technical staff, please do.

managing director

If you can only write, then you may be sure that all of us here will be delighted to handle your enquiries and to give you any help or information and that the goods you order will reach you safely, anywhere in the world.


Schaun Sie ruhig mal rein, es lohnt sich wirklich.



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