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Die Historie von Graham-Patten muß man lange suchen

Es gibt da nördlich von Sacramento (dort ist der Regierungssitz von Kalifornien) am Rand der Sierra-Nevada ein kleines Örtchen mit Namen "Grass Valley" (sogar mit einem eigenen Flughafen "Nevada County Airport"), in dem einst auch die deutlich bekanntere Broadcast Firma "Grass Valley" angesiedelt war (Die aktuelle "Grass Valley Group" ist in 2020 nach vielen Besitzer-Wechseln und Zerstückelungen in Montreal gelandet).

Und in einem solchen innovativen Umfeld gab und gibt es immer mal wieder kleine innovative "Ableger" oder Ausgründungen, sehr ähnlich zu den großen Computerfirmen im Silicon Valley.
Zur Zeit gibt es noch keine richtig fundierten Infos, wo die Gründer von "Graham Patten Systems Inc." her kamen und wo sie geblieben sind. Als jedoch die 1958 gegründete Firma "Grass Valley" bei Tektronix "eingemeindet" wurde und 1986 wieder "ausgemeindet" wurde, könnten sich unzufriedene Mitarbeiter zu Graham Patten "herausgelöst" haben.

GPS baute am Anfang analoge Broadcast- Tonmischer

1986 - analoge GPS Ton-Mischer - man erkennt das an den Zeigerinstrumenten

Es gibt da eine GPS Anzeige von 1986, in der die Vorläufer der digitalen Mischer beworben werden. Die Digital-Mischer wurden erst so um 1995 in en Fachblättern anufgeführt bzw. beschrieben.

Hier ein paar zusammen- gesuchte Texte aus der Historie
October, 8 2004

Two area companies merge
Local News Local-news | October, 8 2004 - George Boardman

  • Anmerkung : Es sind die typischen Marketing-Sprüche, die der Redakteur George Boardman der ISIS- Pressemitteilung "entnommen" hatte.

The jobs of six Grass Valley high-tech workers have been saved because of a suggestion from a Japanese company to ISIS Group of Grass Valley.

ISIS, a manufacturer of professional audio and video equipment, said it has acquired the assets and employees of Graham-Patten Systems from Klotz Digital America for an undisclosed sum.

Graham-Patten manufactures audio mixing, conversion and distribution systems, a business Klotz wanted to exit. Klotz, which bought Graham-Patten in 2001, planned to shut down the operation and lay off its workers.

That’s when Totsu International Co. of Tokyo, the Japanese distributor for Graham-Patten and ISIS products, suggested that ISIS take a look at the company.

“The closer we looked, the more excited we got,” said Steve Block, CEO of ISIS. “They have a product line we don’t have, and they’re in the same industry. They have talent we just didn’t have.” The deal closed Tuesday. GPS will move its operations to the ISIS facility at 119 E. McKnight Way.

“It’s a merger that works very well for us,” said Tom Vick, general manager of Graham-Patten. “ISIS is such a natural fit because we complement each other.”
Graham-Patten is the second acquisition by ISIS this year. The company recently acquired Comprep of Grass Valley, a contract printed circuit board assembler. ISIS now has 20 employees.

TVTechnology October 13, 2004
ISIS Group Acquires Graham-Patten Systems

By TVTechnology October 13, 2004

New York, NY-ISIS Group has acquired Graham-Patten Systems (GPS) from Klotz Digital America. Under the agreement, ISIS Group, a manufacturer of professional video and audio equipment, will assume all assets and the current employees of Graham-Patten Systems, a manufacturer of audio equipment for the post production and television industries.

Graham-Patten Systems will be colocated with ISIS Group in Grass Valley, CA. This newly formed division of ISIS Group will continue to produce its existing range of products. According to ISIS, there will be a "strong" emphasis on the development of Graham-Patten Systems' next generation of audio mixing, conversion, and distribution products targeted to meet current and future market needs.
"We respect the fact that GPS has a loyal customer base and world-wide distribution network," said Tom Vick, general manager of Graham-Patten. "That loyalty is of great value and we have already received enthusiastic support for this fit and we are all committed to providing our customers and distributors with the best possible service."

"This is a great merger for both companies," said ISIS CEO Steven Block. "It will add strength to both since we are in the same industry doing what we know best. A more fundamental reason for this acquisition is that our personal and business values mesh so well. We are particularly pleased that we have been able to save the GPS employees' jobs. Our goal now is to return GPS to being a great supplier of audio equipment to the broadcast industry."
Graham-Patten Systems

ISIS wurde von Ex-"Grass Valley Group" executives gegründet

The ISIS Group was founded in 1997 by three former Grass Valley Group executives. The technical excellence, business ethics, and world-class customer service that made GVG a great company are ingrained in the culture of the ISIS Group.

In 2004, we increased our product line with the acquisition of Graham-Patten Systems, an Emmy-award winning manufacturer of audio mixing, conversion, and distribution equipment for the post-production and television industries.

In that same year, we also purchased Comprep, a local PCB assembly facility in business since 1990. This enables us to provide in-house quality control of our ISIS and Graham-Patten product production and also offer exceptional service, including turnkey, to other high-tech firms locally and across the country. We're proud of "Made in the USA"!

We are also proud to have been chosen to be the exclusive US distributor of MiniBlox™, - solutions in the palm of your hand. These are rugged, compact conversion and distribution products that are ideally suited to both portable and studio applications. Check with us for new prices ... many models much lower!

Over the past many years, the company has developed, and continues to develop, an impressive array of products, including routing switchers, protection switches, signal processing and conversion equipment, and digital audio mixing systems.

Das Ende von ISIS - Konkursversteigerung im May 2014

Ongoing Operations of ISIS Group includes the following:

  1. ISIS Group - Video/Audio Signal Management:
  2. Graham-Patten - Leading manufacturer of digital audio products for television broadcast and post-production:
  3. Comprep Electronics - Printed Circuit Board Assembly:

NOTE: This auction is subject to Bankruptcy Trustee confirmation. If the Trustee does not confirm the high bid, then the assets will be sold piecemeal starting June 3 through June 5, 2014.

February 15, 2012
K"lotz Digital America" acquires "Graham-Patten Systems"

Published: February 15, 2012

Klotz Digital America Inc. has acquired Graham-Patten Systems Inc. The president of Graham-Patten, Howard Mullinack, is now vice president, television/film for Klotz Digital AG. The company will still operate out of its Grass Valley, Calif., offices. That facility will be expanded to add manufacturing capacity for the Klotz VADIS™ platform (auf Deutsch = Plattform) and related products. See ( -

  • Anmerkung : Es hatte sich dann auch überlebt. Die Domain gibts nicht mehr.


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